Home » State Trooper Assaulted: Good Samaritan Saves Him

State Trooper Assaulted: Good Samaritan Saves Him

When a State Trooper in Minnesota was assaulted during a recent traffic stop, a Good Samaritan jumped in to save him. If you need your faith in humanity restored, you’ll love this story.

The trooper had pulled over 38-year-old Matthew Cleve for a possible DWI. Cleve punched the officer in the head, and both fell to the ground. As they wrestled and struggled, Cleve got on top of the officer.

Fortunately for the trooper, a man named Vincent Williams happened upon the scene. He’s the man in the video who appears out of nowhere. Williams was the right guy, in the right place, at the right time.

Here’s what he told FOX9 News:

“By the time I got closer, and I got to the officer, I saw the guy actually had his hand on his gun and trying to unholster it. So I grabbed him, and I put my fist up, and I said, ‘I’m fixing to beat your butt,’ but not in those words.”

“I used to do security in rough areas, so it’s all in a day’s work, only for free this time. Me just giving back, I guess,” a humble Williams told FOX9.

More details from Williams and Col. Matt Langer of the Minnesota State Patrol.


KSTP.COM reported that more than 200 families of law enforcement in Minnesota have raised money to show their gratitude for Williams’ heroic actions:

“That feeling of gratitude washed over me after I saw everyone was OK,” said Bethany Danner, president of the nonprofit, Backing the Blue Line. “Even my adrenaline kind of subsided to know the officer was OK. I was extremely grateful to see that.”

Watch Williams fight to hold back tears as Backing The Blue Line presents him with a check to show their gratitude:

Three cheers for Mr. Williams! You’re a true hero and role-model!

Please share this story with someone who needs to see it!

Full 5-minute video of State Trooper assaulted and helped by Good Samaritan Vincent Williams: