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Prospective Juror Fears Attacks from Agitators

Listen as prospective Juror #8 expresses fear for his family’s well-being if he serves on the Derek Chauvin jury:

  • “I wouldn’t want any issues–or harm–to come to my wife or kids.”
  • “…if individuals would end up knowing who I am or where I live or where my family lives.”
  • “If I wasn’t on the jury, I wouldn’t have those concerns, obviously.”
  • “If I was a juror on the case, I would be thinking about what some of the ramifications would be, especially if the (my) identity was known.”

WATCH as Juror#8 expresses his concern (4-minute clip)

In theory, protesters and agitators stay out of the legal proceedings of a trial. In reality, it sounds as though they will affect the outcome of this trial by instilling fear and intimidation.
