The free-speech social media platform Parler.com is up and running again. It is available through browsers on desktops and laptops. However, the app is currently not available on Google or Apple.

Parler describes itself as “The World’s Town Square”:

Speak freely and express yourself openly, without fear of being “de-platformed” for your views. Engage with real people, not bots. Parler is people and privacy-focused and gives you the tools you need to curate your Parler experience.

Mark Meckler will be the acting CEO. This change in leadership comes after the firing of former CEO John Matze. Meckler was a co-founder of the Tea Party and served as president of the non-profit Citizens for Self-governance (CFG).

Watch this one-minute video for more details:

In this David vs. Goliath saga between upstart Parler and Big Tech, it appears the little guy is back up on his feet. Parler is abuzz tonight with users celebrating this free-speech victory and relishing a feeling of being ‘back home.’

Typical sentiments on Parler tonight:

Oh my gosh…. I sure have missed you all!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗

The feeling is mutual. Reconnecting with everyone feels almost like coming home!
